The Day You’ve Waited
for Is Finally Here

Now what?

Congratulations on retiring!

You spent years working hard, saving, and dreaming of this time in your life. We can help make it even better than you imagined.

Retire Right in 3 Easy Steps:

As you work with us, we'll help you:



Connecting with you helps us understand where you are and where you want to go. We want to learn about your retirement vision or how you plan to spend your time in retirement. We also want to talk about what you’ve done so far to plan for retirement and your biggest concerns. As we connect, we can determine if our customized retirement planning process can add value to your current situation.



Developing strategies that maximize your retirement savings includes analyzing some key aspects of your portfolio. We will assess your investment risk, fees, Social Security benefits, potential tax-saving strategies, and more. After we strategize about what needs to be done to build Your Merkle Plan, we can make a mutual decision about whether to continue planning your retirement together.



Together we will work on a strategy for each of the six components of retiring and incorporate them into Your Merkle Plan. The organization and transparency of this written plan can guide you confidently to and through retirement and ease the anxiety you may have about this transition. The plan can be updated if your retirement vision or life circumstances change. Then you can spend your time focusing on all the fun you will have in retirement!

Your Merkle Plan

After helping hundreds of families to and through retirement, we’ve learned a thing or two about what makes for a successful retirement. Our experience led to creating Your Merkle Plan, a set of guiding components we use to develop customized retirement plans. Your Merkle Plan is our recipe for success. It allows us to take the elements of your life and build a plan to cover six essential areas:


Developing a lifestyle plan is one of the most exciting aspects of retirement. Start by asking yourself, “How will I spend my time in retirement?”

This includes:

  • Planning for your hobbies and travel
  • Determining where you want to live
  • Maintaining your social and emotional health

Your investment plan should be customized to you. You should understand the growth potential and the risks and feel comfortable with both.

This includes:

  • Understanding how your portfolio will react to market swings
  • Adjusting your portfolio to reduce fees
  • Diversifying your investments with a purpose

Taxes don’t go away in retirement. A long-term tax planning strategy can help you decrease your tax liability and increase your spendable amount in retirement.

This includes:

  • Implementing a tax-efficient withdrawal sequence
  • Increasing portfolio tax diversification by having a mix of tax-deferred and tax-free money
  • Looking at ways to decrease the tax liability for your beneficiaries

In retirement, you still need income. Instead of receiving a paycheck from your employer, you are turning your retirement savings into retirement income.

This includes:

  • Maximizing Social Security
  • Inflation planning
  • Longevity planning
Health Care

Health care costs can be a significant part of your retirement. It is important to understand your options for paying for health care and how they fit together with the other parts of Your Merkle Plan.

This includes:

  • Developing a plan to pay for health care if you want to retire before Medicare eligibility
  • Understanding Medicare Parts A and B plus supplemental plans
  • Analyzing options for long-term care

It’s essential to ensure that what is left of your money when you’re gone goes to your charities and loved ones in an efficient way.

This includes:

  • Ensuring retirement account beneficiaries are updated
  • Determining whether you need a will or a trust
  • Incorporating tax-saving strategies to further your legacy

Journey to Retirement

Join us for a complimentary online workshop designed to help you maximize your resources and live out your retirement vision.

Journey to Retirement

March 18th | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Online Workshop
Register >

Journey to Retirement

March 11th | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Online Workshop
Register >

Journey to Retirement

February 27th | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Online Workshop
Register >

Ready to take your retirement to the next level?

Let's chat! Schedule a RetireReady Call to talk with a retirement planner about your retirement vision.

Ready to take your retirement to the next level?

Let's chat! Schedule a RetireReady Call to talk with a retirement planner about your retirement vision.

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