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Spousal Succession Plan

A little planning now can go a long way when life takes unexpected turns. That’s why we’ve put together a Spousal Succession Plan Checklist that includes some of the decisions you can make while you are alive and some of the things you will have to consider when your spouse dies.

It’s not anyone’s favorite topic, but we all know it’s an important one. You’ve probably seen first-hand the burden a spouse is left with when plans are not in place or how families can be torn apart when someone’s wishes are not made clear. Conversely, we’ve seen how having a succession plan can take one more thing off the remaining spouse’s plate as they grieve the loss of their spouse.

Each customized retirement plan we help individuals and families create follows six guiding components: lifestyle, income, tax, investment, health care, and legacy. Our Spousal Succession Plan Checklist breaks down each one of these components with detailed action steps, including who to contact when your spouse dies, how your tax filing status could change, retitling accounts, and more.

We help the families and individuals we work with develop a succession plan. Whether you are single or married, helping you create a legacy is part of our comprehensive retirement planning process. We also help families execute these plans, hoping to ease some of the burdens as they are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Have you dealt with the loss of a spouse? Have a friend or relative who has been through the process? Worried about how to handle a situation like this? You can download our Spousal Succession Plan Checklist by clicking the link below.


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