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Headshot with blue background, man smiling with blue suit

Retirement investment strategies | Exploring the Role of Annuities and CDs

June 16th, 2024

In this episode of “Retiring Today,” experienced retirement planners Loren Merkle and Chawn Honkomp dive deep into making sense of annuities. With the backdrop of a volatile stock market and […]

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Blue background YouTube Thumbnail Image, Smiling in a suit

Unlocking $93,000 More From Social Security: John and Sue’s Journey

June 9th, 2024

In this episode of Retiring Today, experienced retirement planners Loren Merkle and Chawn Honkomp delve into how to get an extra $93,000 out of Social Security. Get insights on maximizing […]

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Elections and Your Retirement | Managing Market Uncertainty

May 19th, 2024

In this episode of Retiring Today, Elections and Your Retirement, we dive into how market volatility is influenced by election cycles and effective strategies you can employ to safeguard your […]

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Early Retirement Strategies | 8 Reasons to Leave the Workforce Sooner

May 12th, 2024

In this episode, Retirement Planners Clint Huntrods and Loren Merkle delve into the compelling reasons to consider retiring early. Discover the benefits of a more active retirement, the financial strategies […]

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Blue background thumbnail image, Chawn Honkomp smiling headshot wearing a suit

Simplifying Tax Strategies For Your Retirement

May 5th, 2024

Discover simple yet effective tax strategies for retirement.  – Understanding the massive scope of the U.S. tax code and its implications on personal finance.  – Explore the concept of tax […]

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Retire During Inflation Blue Thumbnail with Haley Gutschenritter headshot

How to Combat Inflation for a Secure Retirement Lifestyle

April 28th, 2024

Facing the challenges of inflation can be daunting, especially as you plan for retirement. Learn actionable strategies to maintain your lifestyle without falling victim to the rising costs.  – Discover […]

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Plan Your Taxes in Retirement - Blue TV Set - YouTube Thumbnail Clint Huntrods Retirement Planner

Retirement Strategies | How to Stop Leaving Money on the Table

April 21st, 2024

Don’t leave retirement money on the table due to taxes! We’re diving deep into strategic planning to save you potentially thousands in tax dollars.  – Learn about the whopping $650 […]

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Blue background with text "Is Your Income Enough" and headshot of Loren Merkle in a suit

Maximizing Your Social Security | Strategies for a Smart Election

April 14th, 2024

Navigating Social Security benefits can be daunting, especially when you’re on the cusp of retirement. Experienced Retirement Planner Loren Merkle breaks down the complexities to help you maximize Social Security […]

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Blue Background with text "Protect Your Retirement" with headshot of Chawn Honkomp smiling in a suit

Navigating Retirement | A Couple’s $12 Million Lesson

April 7th, 2024

Discover how to navigate the complexities of retirement planning with Retirement Planners Loren Merkle and Chawn Honkomp. Learn key strategies to live comfortably, protect your nest egg, and grow your […]

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Blue background with text "It's Not That Easy" with headshot of host Molly Nelson smiling in a suit jacket

Retirement Planning | Why It’s Not an Easy Set It and Forget It Scenario

March 31st, 2024

We look at why you can’t simply “set it and forget it” when it comes to retirement planning. We highlight the importance of ongoing maintenance and adjustments to adapt your […]

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