
It’s Almost Time to Revisit Your Medicare Plan

Hello, it’s me — your friendly Director of Medicare, AnnaMarie Morrow, here to remind you to start thinking about the Annual Enrollment Period.

Whether this is your first year on Medicare or you’ve been on it for several years, keep these dates in mind: October 15th to December 7th. That’s when you can join, drop, or switch to another supplement plan or add or drop drug coverage.

I know what you might be thinking, “I like my current coverage, no change needed.” That may be true. But each insurance carrier frequently renegotiates provider contracts which can ultimately change the terms of your supplement plans — impacting premiums, copays, deductibles, and covered services plus the ancillary benefits like x-rays, prosthetic devices, and physical therapy. Benefits like gym memberships and chiropractic visits can be added to and dropped from plans.

Each year we want to look at your providers, your prescriptions, and your pharmacy to ensure your plan still covers your preferences.

This month you should receive a Medicare Annual Enrollment letter from yours truly. Please take time to fill it out. Your responses will help us determine if your prescriptions are still covered, if your doctors are still in-network, and if you are happy with your current supplement.

I look forward to helping you figure out the best coverage plan! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me by calling the office at (515) 278-4110.

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